It has been a wonderful journey studying at BizChamp International College. It reminded me when I first came to Singapore with no qualifications and we all know if you want to get promoted in work and seek for better job opportunities, qualification is a must. I am so fortunate that my family has always been my biggest support to allow me to pursue my highest qualification. Thank you BizChamp International College for ripping me out of my comfort zone and pushing me to the limits. I came to Singapore started working from a work permit pass holder, I am proud to say now I am a Singapore Citizen.
Tey Way Tat (Class of December,2018)
我终于完成我的Diploma文凭了!刚来到新加坡工作,才发现原来学历是那么的重要!如果在新加坡工作再不提升自己的学历文凭,很大几率会被公司给淘汰出去甚至被更高学历的人替代。感谢BizChamp International College帮助了我,让我有机会在新加坡半工半读拿到了一张属于自己的文凭。现在有了文凭的我,找到了一份自己满意薪水的工作也不需要像以前那样只靠体力活工作。
Gan Meng Yee (Class of September, 2020)

I am proud to say that I am a diploma graduate holder from BizChamp International College. I was 21 when I first came to work in a factory in Singapore. At that time my highest qualification was only UEC and did not have many job opportunities. I have then decided to take up Part Time Diploma in Business Management at BizChamp International College. With the new academic qualifications, I am no longer working long hours at factory but a sales merchandiser with a public listed company in Singapore.
Lawrence Tiong (Class of April, 2020)
BizChamp International College 让我们在新加坡工作之余边提升自己,我们的生活变得更加充实。英文一直是我们工作上的最大障碍。刚来到新加坡的我们一句英文都不会说,直到我们在BizChamp International College报读了Part Time英文课程。我们的英语程度渐渐的进步,解决了不少我们工作带来的困扰。我们真心感激学校和老师的细心教导。从来没想过我可以和男朋友我们一起在新加坡读书,同时我们彼此一起相处的时间更多也一起增长不少知识了。现在我们已完成了英文课程,也决定再往下一个挑战来提升我们的最高学历Diploma 文凭!
Ong Keat Hui & Lim Xiong Chun (Class of November,2020)

Studying at BizChamp International College was an incredible experience that I’ll keep with me forever. I have learned a lot of new things and it goes without saying that the teachers played an important role in my achievement. I am so happy I chose BizChamp International College and would recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their English.
Yong Fung Ngo (Class of August, 2020)
在新加坡,我非常了解学历文凭的重要性。无论是什么行业,雇主一定会看你的最高学历。我很骄傲的说我已在BizChamp International College 读完了我的Diploma in Business Administration and Diploma in Business Management 和 Advanced Diploma in Business Management.
Ong Tai Siang (Class of April, 2019)

I have learned so much in this class from diploma to advanced diploma in business management to prepare me for a successful college experience. There were some topics that caught my attention more than others. The quality of teaching is very good. All the teachers and faculty members are very helpful and are always ready to guide you. The people I’ve met here were amazing individuals and have also helped each other to push each other towards learning and enjoyment. Field work is also conducted by individual departments in the final year, so that the students can get practical knowledge as well. Great experience and would totally recommend this college. This is definitely one of the most interesting stages in life that gives you the opportunity to explore.
Cho Zhi Hao (Class of March, 2019)
Ku Lye Lee
Ng Yang Yan
Ong Wei Jie