Diploma in Commerce and Business Administration

Diploma in Commerce and Business Administration


The whole course program offers students an opportunity to understand the technical know-how about

managing a company’s department as well as the expectations of employers from employees especially in this ever changing business dispensation.

This program does not only deal with

local businesses as case studies, it is designed to use the international market scene to challenge  students to be proactive, as employees are being give herculean tasks to deliver across various parts of the world irrespective of the challenges they face going across borders.

The objective of this program is to address the roles of students, employees and employers by testing their knowledge and level of competence by giving them the assignments, simulations, case studies, discussions and group work in a variety of business scenarios.

This program also gives the students basic information about becoming better managers and supervisors should they work under other employers. They will be fully ready for the world of work as theoretical backgrounds and real life work scenarios will be perfectly fused, thereby enabling students to be equipped and ready for any job they are about to embark on.

The goal of this course is to expose the students to business know-how to enable them to become better supervisors or managers as the case may be. At the end of the course, students will be thoroughly assessed and if found satisfactory, will be given a Diploma in Commerce and Business Administration Certificate.

Module Synopses:

This course carries a total of five modules that the students must undertake to attain their diploma. Listed below are the module synopses for the diploma:


Organizational Behavior:

Organizational Behavior (OB), is a field of study that shows the relationship between the behavior of individuals, people or groups within an organization and how to harness these behaviors effectively to attain organizational goals. It is also using the human behavior as a tool for organizational benefits. This study highlights the factors that govern organization in today’s world. These factors are: the people, structure, environment and technology that are within the organization. If these factors are put in place effectively, the organization will move forward and their set goals and objectives will be achieved.


The aim of this module is to enlighten students on the effect of the behaviors of individuals, people or groups on the organization, in this field of study. Its essence is to harness these behaviors and use them effectively to improve a business. Students will use case studies of people’s behaviors and how it affected their businesses either positively or negatively. Students will also be exposed to topics like psychology of human behavior, effective communication and leadership, HR policies, structure of an organization as well as managing stress and changes in an organization.


By the end of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. Define and explain what organizational behavior is.
  2. Illustrate the foundation of people behavior and psychology.
  3. List and explain the concept of communication and the factors that hinder effective communication.
  4. Explain the simplest forms of effective leadership.
  5. Illustrate the outlook of an organizational structure.
  6. Explain the effects of an organizational culture.
  7. Define the concept of Human Resource policies.
  8. State the effects of organizational changes and stress management, stating ways to manage them as an administrator.

Strategic Management:

Strategy by itself means the step by step approach put in place by an individual or group of people to achieve a set goal. Strategic management therefore, is the formulation and implementation of objectives and goals by the management of an organization based on the amount of resources available to that organization and the amount of competitors it has in its internal and external environment. Simply put, it is managing the resources of an organization to meet its set out goals. Strategic management can therefore be divided into two parts: firstly, the identification of goals and objectives and the measures put in place to actualizing them, and secondly, the process of actually implementing them.


This module was designed to make students understand the importance of first defining your goals and objectives before setting out strategies to attain them as strategy is not only limited to having a successful business, but it is also implemented in other spheres of life like politics, sports and war. This module is also important because it incorporates all other modules together by fusing management, leadership, vision and mission statement, mergers and acquisition, and corporate strategies.


By the end of the class, the students should be able to:

  1. Define and explain what strategic management is.
  2. Distinguish between the internal and external forms of strategy.
  3. Explain and illustrate the models of business and corporate strategies as related to global strategies.
  4. Explain the different ways of carrying out strategy to actualize organizational goals.


As we all know, the term “economics” can be defined in different contexts, but primarily, economics is a social science that deals with the study of production of goods and service, taking into consideration, the way these goods and services are being distributed and consumed. It is also the study of the implementation of resources, response to incentives, scarcity and decision making. The study of economics is so important that there is no human endeavor, business establishment or government parastatal that can do without it. It is so vast as it cuts across various disciplines.


The essence of this module is to introduce economics to them in a whole new level. The economic principles, factors for economic analysis and the study of the elasticity of demand and supply. Microeconomics and macroeconomics will also be discussed in details. The students will also be exposed to the income and expenditure, choices, imperfection of the market system, and the effects of governmental policies. Other important topics like international trade policies, public policies and the world economy will be treated in details.


By the end of the class, the students should be able to:

  1. Define economics and state its application in real life.
  2. Differentiate between demand and supply in the market place.
  3. State the roles of banking and explain the concept of interest rates and fiscal policies.
  4. Differentiate between income and wages.
  5. Explain the effect of governmental policies to the market.
  6. State the similarities and differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics.
  7. Define unemployment, stating its types, causes and effects to the society.

Operations Management:

Operations management (OM), is the aspect of management that deals with the design and control of the factors of production as well as remodeling the organizational operations in the production of goods and services. It also entails using scarce or limited resources as effectively as possible to attain maximum products to satisfy the consumer. Operational management is concerned with converting labor and raw materials into finished goods and services to attain maximum profit as possible.


The aim of this module is to make students understand the necessity of operations to management in an organization. They will also be introduced to the factors of production as a key to implementing operational management. They will understand the idea of an effective supply chain and the importance of Quality Assurance and Control in the operational sphere. Other topics that will be covered include planning for production, project management and inventory management.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Define operational management and state its importance to an organization.
  2. State the functions of an operations manager as related to the market he covers.
  3. Explain what a Period Order Quantity is and state ways of viewing it.
  4. Illustrate the relationship between production and operational management as related to manufacturing of goods and services.
  5. Outline challenges faced by operational managers I real life and suggest solutions to these problems.


Business Communication:

Communication is the process of transferring information from one source to another, with the receiving source acknowledging to the sender through a feedback that the message has been received. Business communication therefore, is the act of sharing information between individuals or group of people in and outside an organization with the essence of boosting the commercial advantage of the company. The company can choose to use different means to achieve this like the print and electronic media. Business communication is very necessary as this is the way customers, staff and management all meet at a general consensus to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


The aim of this course is for the students to understand the concept of effective business communication and its importance to actualizing organizational goals and objectives. Students will be exposed to ways and methods of presenting business communication like using reports, presentations, board meetings, face to face meetings, video conferences and telephone messages.


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Define and explain the concept of effective business communication.
  2. Explain and illustrate the three steps processes for writing.
  3. Use simple drafted messages to communicate effectivity in a business setting.
  4. Use both formal and informal written or oral presentations to convey business information.
  5. State ways on how to write employment letters and how to communicate effectively during interviews.

Principles of Management:

The principles of management are the necessary factors that are important to be successful manager. Management is important to any establishment that is focused on achieving its set out goals. And if there is no one at the helm of affairs, there will be a conflict of ideas and approach. This course will expose the foundational functions of management which are: planning, leading, organizing and controlling. If these factors are not put in place, archiving organisational goals will be quite difficult. The students will be taught these principles and how to apply them to their business ventures.


This course is designed to make the students state the relationship between the functions of a manager and the managerial domain he controls, deal with creativity, change and fatigue, state the importance of decision making and planning to an organisation, explain the functions of staff and the Human Resource department, explain how to lead individuals and groups, motivating them through remunerations, state the importance of communication and trust between employees and employers, and explain how controlling can be an effective tool to achieve organisational goals.


By the end of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. State the relationship between a manger and his managerial domain.
  2. Explain how to deal with creativity, change and fatigue amongst staff members.
  3. State the importance of planning and making decisions to an organisation.
  4. Explain the functions of Human Resource especially in staffing and remuneration.
  5. Explain good leadership through communication, interpersonal skills and controlling

Human Resource Management:

This is the act of harnessing the potentials of individuals in an establishment. This activity entails recruiting staff, assigning job functions and remuneration. This study shows how to be an effective human resource manager. It also shows how to harness the best from employees so as to achieve organisational goals and objectives.


This module shows how to create and maintain an effective Human Resource department that will help to actualize organisational goals. It also will help the student demonstrate the importance of Human Resource to management, stressing on an open playing field for each member of the organisation. The module also shows the role of Human Resource in recruitment and outsourcing, carrying out detailed job analysis in a bid to develop people’s careers. The module also covers areas concerning company policies, information, instruction, training, supervision and discipline. It presents real life problems of HR in both local and multi- national companies and ways on how to deal with them. Sustaining organisational values, growth, ethics and products by the HR department is also discussed in this module.


By the end of the class, the students should be able to:

  1. Define Human Resource and its relationship to the organisation and its management processes.
  2. Explain the functions of various discrimination laws as related to employment.
  3. List and explain the Human Resource management processes.
  4. Explain what a job analysis is and its usefulness to the Human Resource department especially in this dispensation where jobs are scarce.
  5. Explain the Information, Instruction, Training, Supervision and Discipline (IITSD) process and what it entails.
  6. Explain the importance of remuneration and retirement benefits to staff.
  7. State why it is necessary to imbibe ethical behaviour in staff during and after work periods.
  8. Explain the benefits of Occupational Health and Safety trainings to the staff and organisation.
  9. Explain the process for preparing employment and termination letters.
  10. Describe the way forward for the challenges faced by HR departments both locally and internationally.


This is a serious management tool which helps goods and services transit from the thought stage through to the customer. Simply put, it is the act of convincing the customer on why your goods and services should be chosen over any competitor. The main aim of manufacturing a product is so that it can be delivered to the end user which is the customer, the customer should
be satisfied with the product and the customer should also return for the same product in the future. In this course, students will be exposed to the various marketing principles which will help them deliver effectively to the customer.

This module shows the importance of applying marketing concepts to enhance organisational growth. The students will understand the benefits of studying marketing processes as part of management and gaining the customer trust through satisfaction as the end point. This study ranges from development of new products, market price and valuations, channels through which products get to the customer, good customer care and relationship as a tool for customer retention, market ethics, healthy competition amongst rivals, corporate/social responsibilities, ethics for marketing and imposing the organisation in the world market at large.

By the end of the class, the students should be able to:

  1. Explain how to use marketing strategies and processes to achieve good customer relationship.
  2. List steps necessary for understanding how the market place and the customer relates.
  3. Illustrate the strategies of a market that is customer oriented and driven.
  4. Explain the importance of marketing channels as related to customer satisfaction.
  5. State the relationship between sustaining a market, corporate/social responsibilities and organisational ethics.
  6. State the benefits of sustaining a healthy competition amongst rivals.


This is a skill required to impact a person, group of people or even the entire establishment by an individual or group of individuals to achieve organisational aims and objectives. While some people think that leaders are born, others have to acquire these traits and skills to effectively lead people. This is where we come in. This course will guide you on how to influence people’s lives so that the organisation will move forward.


This module shows how to use leadership concepts to adapt to an ever changing work scenario in dealing with people both on individual and collective basis. Students will be able to distinguish between management and leadership roles and functions. This module also highlights the skills necessary for managing and leading effectively. The scheme is quite broad as students will be exposed to meaning and scope of leadership, leadership and managerial skills, delegated authority, participation as a tool for effective leadership, types of leadership, strategic leadership and dealing with social, cultural, ethnic, religious and gender issues as a leader.


  1. Explain the similarities and differences between management and leadership roles.
  2. List and explain various leadership skills and how to apply them.
  3. List and define the theories sufficient for being a good leader.
  4. Describe how to use these theories to solve real life challenges in the work environment.

Finance and Accounting

We should bear in mind that finance can be quite different from accounting. While finance is a management skill required for investment, accounting on the other hand allows you deal with the day to day monetary operations of the organisation as well as plan budgets and taxes.

This course shows how to integrate the two as you summarise, analyse and report financial exchanges in an organisation. It also teaches how to compile financial figures for the consumption of appropriate individuals. These individuals could be bank staff, employees, government officials, and other stakeholders.


This course is being designed to outline the importance and necessities of finance and accounting to the organisation. The students will appreciate the role of a finance and account officer to the organisation in preparing financial statements and analysis, short term and long term asset acquisitions, declaring assets and liabilities as well as its importance in governmental parastatals.


By the end of this module, the students should be able to:

  1. List and explain the similarities between finance and accounting.
  2. Define the term “business” and explain how it can be developed.
  3. Use operation, investment and finance as tools for the classification of business transactions.
  4. List and explain the four basic financial statements and be able to present them using various transactions.
  5. State what really makes up a company’s financial statement.
  6. Explain the pitfalls of opening a business and the role of ethics in a business.
  7. List and explain the importance of accounting principles.
  8. List and explain the importance of a quality financial report.
  9. What are the characteristics of a good financial statement?
  10. Explain the potential risks associated with finance and accounting records, and state the measures taken to remedy this in case of occurrence.
  11. Illustrate the attributes associated with having a net income.
  12. Prepare and balance the horizontal and vertical components of a financial report.
  13. Explain the demerits of investing in stock and shares and state measures put in place to check these pitfalls.

Enrolment Requirements:

Academic Requirements:

  • 3 GCE ‘O’ Levels OR
  • Completed secondary school level in their home countries; or equivalent OR
  • Should have completed 10 years of formal education OR
  • Relevant Certification(related to the field of studies), from other recognized local/overseas polytechnics or other PEIs

Language Requirements:
Applicants are required to possess one of the following:

  • At least a pass for English (EL1) at GCE ‘O’ Levels or equivalent
  • Achieve a minimum band of 5.0 in IELTS or equivalent
  • Pass the English Placement Test conducted by BizChamp
  • A pass grade in the Chinese Language proficiency for the student who is taking the Diploma in Chinese/Mandarin-medium.

Work Experience:

  • No working experience is required for this course.

Age requirements:

  • Candidates must be a minimum of 18 years of age as at the time of application.

Course information:

  • Course Duration:
    1 year
  • Course Developer:
    BizChamp International College
  • Qualification Awarded:
  • Awarding institution:
    BizChamp International College
  • Awarding Country:
  • Delivery Method:
  • Mode of Learning:
    Part time basis
  • Type of Assessments:
    Written Examination 60%
    Assignment: 40%
  • Course Fee:
  • Intake:
    Every fifth week.
  • Teacher to Student Ratio:
  • Course Commencement Date
    See Schedule

Graduation Requirements:

For a student to graduate, he or she must possess a minimum of 50% from all assessments in each module.